MIIPS Online Portfolio Q&A

    Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM until 9:00 PMEastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00

    MIIPS Online Portfolio Q&A

    Attend this Q&A with iii Online Program Director Susanna Zlotnikov and Head of Graduate Enrollment Athena Wintruba to learn more about what to include in your portfolio as part of the admissions requirements for the Master of Integrated Innovation for Products & Services Online Degree.

    Rather than providing a "recipe" or a "template" in this session, we'll discuss originality, thought process, meaning and intentionality, and being a curator of your work.

    Which certificate(s) are you interested in?
    Which certificate(s) are you interested in?
    Are you interested in the full MIIPS Online Degree?
    Are you interested in the full MIIPS Online Degree?
    When would you like to start the program?
    When would you like to start the program?